Friday, March 30, 2012
Is required on rendering server?
I can create and test reports just fine on my computer.
However, I have to go through a third party for them to install SQL SRS on
our web server. They installed SQL SRS with a warning about not being
present. They are unable to render any reports (sample or otherwise).
Is required on the web server running SQL Server 2000 development and
SQL SRS development?
Are there step-by-step instructions for this type of installation that I can
provide to our web server team?
Thank you!VS (the warning specifies visual studio not VB.Net) is just a warning that
it will not be installing the development tools. The development tools
require some edition of Visual Studio (VB.Net being the most common that
people install). The server does not require it. If you install and accept
defaults in most cases you should be fine. I have found that my install does
better when I install running as System not as network account. The most
common reasons people have trouble with an install is installing on a domain
controller or moving the webs created after install. RS is a set of
applications that depend on configuration information on where things are
installed. If the webs are not the default website then you can end up in a
situation where RS cannot find things. It is not just web pages that you can
move without a problem. Another issue is enabling anonymous access (but
things would come up you would just not have any adminstrative
I suggest seeing if they have done any of the above.
Bruce Loehle-Conger
MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
"Owen Ott" <Owen> wrote in message
>I have, SQL Server 2000, and SRS installed on my development
> I can create and test reports just fine on my computer.
> However, I have to go through a third party for them to install SQL SRS on
> our web server. They installed SQL SRS with a warning about not
> being
> present. They are unable to render any reports (sample or otherwise).
> Is required on the web server running SQL Server 2000 development
> and
> SQL SRS development?
> Are there step-by-step instructions for this type of installation that I
> can
> provide to our web server team?
> Thank you!sql
is 2003 compatible with sql server express?
I have 2003 standard installed on my xp home edition computer. I downloaded sql server express(which works) and tried to establish a connection through but could not. I used the server name I made from sql server express in the data link properties of 2003 and used the northwind database but it would not connect. Gave an error I can't recall because hangs up. Are the 2 compatible? If so, how do I go about establishing a connection between the 2? If they are not compatible, what will I need? An upgrade to vs 2005? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
They are compatible. What error did you receive?||| ".....unable to connect and that
this version of Visual Studio can only use the SQL Server Desktop Edition and
MS Access as data sources....".
This is the error I receive.
|||Sorry, what I meant by compatible is that in code you are able to connect to SQL Server Express.
It looks like via the database tools in Visual Studio Standard, it isn't compatitble.
Is this the right place for a question about creating a report in
Templates when I create a new Project. I remember loading these the first time
I worked in here, but don't remember where I loaded them from. Can someone tell
me, or guide me to something that will refresh my memory about creating reports
in VS.NET 2005, for SQL 2005. Thanks...when you click File, New Project, you should have a Business Intelligence
Project grouping that contains Report Server Project Wizard, Report Server
Project, Report Model Project, and possible Analysis Service Project,
Integration Service Project and Import Analysis Service 9.0 Database.
"WANNABE" <SameAsB4> wrote in message
>I am working in a new environment and I only have a fraction of the BI
> Templates when I create a new Project. I remember loading these the first
> time
> I worked in here, but don't remember where I loaded them from. Can
> someone tell
> me, or guide me to something that will refresh my memory about creating
> reports
> in VS.NET 2005, for SQL 2005. Thanks...
>|||Try reinstalling the BI studio. If you installed VS (or VB.Net 2005) after
BI Studio then you lost the integration with VS.
Bruce Loehle-Conger
MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
"Dean" <> wrote in message
> when you click File, New Project, you should have a Business Intelligence
> Project grouping that contains Report Server Project Wizard, Report Server
> Project, Report Model Project, and possible Analysis Service Project,
> Integration Service Project and Import Analysis Service 9.0 Database.
> "WANNABE" <SameAsB4> wrote in message
> news:OsOdrS0wHHA.3944@.TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>I am working in a new environment and I only have a fraction of the BI
>> Templates when I create a new Project. I remember loading these the
>> first time
>> I worked in here, but don't remember where I loaded them from. Can
>> someone tell
>> me, or guide me to something that will refresh my memory about creating
>> reports
>> in VS.NET 2005, for SQL 2005. Thanks...
Monday, March 12, 2012
Is there merge monitor sample in
We are a shop and while some of us know a little C# it's not enough. Is there a sample solution for the monitoring of replication in I know about the sales one but it's in c#. Thanks.
Please refer to the Books On line link
which will point to every replication step through RMO programming and sample code is written in VB, C#, C++, J#, etc.
Thanks for the response. Unfortunetly I am rather new to raiseevents. Is there a way someone could convert this to so I can try and understand it? I am basically looking for a progress bar and text output during the sync progress in as the SalesOrder sample does in c#. Here is what I have in but am not sure if it's correct. I also have an error when trying to call the agent.status. I got snippets from the salesorder sample c# solution
Public Delegate Sub SyncWhenConnectedStatus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal eventArgs As StatusEventArgs)
Public Event Status As SyncWhenConnectedStatus
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
...other code...
Dim subscription As MergePullSubscription
Dim agent As MergeSynchronizationAgent
...other code...
agent.Status += New AgentCore.StatusEventHandler(AddressOf Sync_Status)
**cannot build
**Error 1 'Public Event Status(sender As Object, e As Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.StatusEventArgs)' is an event, and cannot be called Directly. Use a 'RaiseEvent' statement to raise an event.
end sub
**Not sure if I am doing this correct either
Private Sub Sync_Status(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As StatusEventArgs)
' Update the Synchronization Status form.
txtOutput.AppendText(e.Message.ToString() + Environment.NewLine)
' Call the Status event to update the main form
' if sync when connected is used.
RaiseEvent Status(sender, e)
'If Not Status Is Nothing Then
' RaiseEvent Status(sender, e)
'End If
End Sub
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Is there any way of Migrating reports from one server to another programmatically thru VB.NET?
I wanna know, is there any way of transfering/migrating reports from source server to destination server along with model references programmatically using VB.NET?
If there is a way, can anyone please give me a VB.NET Sample code to achieve my goal?
I will be grateful if anyone help me in this regard!!
Thanks in Advance
This isn't exactly what you asked for, but it'll get you started. There are two samples -- One to publish the report and fix up it's data source, and another to grab the model definition and publish it to a server.
In the first sample, you'll need to change the part where the report defintion is loaded from a file to use a call to GetReportDefinition() (
Later on in the first sample, the the Data Source reference should point to your model instead of the data source in the code itself.
In the second sample, the code reads a model and then republishes it to the *same* server. Create another instance of the web reference to the web service which points to the "other" machine, and use IT to publish to the new destination server.
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SampleApp.localhost.ReportingService2005 rs = new SampleApp.localhost.ReportingService2005();
rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
byte[] reportDefinition;
Warning[] warnings;
FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(@."C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Samples\Reporting Services\Report Samples\AdventureWorks Sample Reports\Company Sales.rdl");
reportDefinition = new Byte[stream.Length];
stream.Read(reportDefinition, 0, (int)stream.Length);
// Create a report which utilizes a pre-existing shared data source
// Optionally, set properties on the report by replacing the null in the last parameter of
// CreateReport with an array of properties
localhost.Property[] reportProps = new Property;
reportProps[0] = new Property();
reportProps[0].Name = "PageHeight";
reportProps[0].Value = "279.4";
reportProps[1] = new Property();
reportProps[1].Name = "PageWidth";
reportProps[1].Value = "215.9";
reportProps[2] = new Property();
reportProps[2].Name = "TopMargin";
reportProps[2].Value = "12.7";
reportProps[3] = new Property();
reportProps[3].Name = "BottomMargin";
reportProps[3].Value = "12.7";
reportProps[4] = new Property();
reportProps[4].Name = "LeftMargin";
reportProps[4].Value = "12.7";
reportProps[5] = new Property();
reportProps[5].Name = "RightMargin";
reportProps[5].Value = "12.7";
warnings = rs.CreateReport("Company Sales", "/AdventureWorks Sample Reports", true, reportDefinition, reportProps);
if (warnings!=null)
Console.WriteLine("Warnings occured when creating report");
foreach (Warning warning in warnings)
Console.WriteLine("\t" + warning.Code + ": " + warning.Message);
// Report was created, now fix up datasource reference to make sure report points at correct ds
DataSourceReference reference = new DataSourceReference();
DataSource[] dsarray = new DataSource[1];
DataSource ds = new DataSource();
reference.Reference = "/Data Sources/AdventureWorks";
ds.Item = (DataSourceReference)reference;
ds.Name = "AdventureWorks";
dsarray[0] = ds;
rs.SetItemDataSources("/AdventureWorks Sample Reports/Company Sales", dsarray);
catch (SoapException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Error Code: " + ex.Detail["ErrorCode"].InnerXml);
Console.WriteLine("Message: " + ex.Detail["Message"].InnerXml);
....and here's how to get the model:
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
localhost.ReportingService2005 rs = new ReportingService2005();
rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
//To hold SMDL as byte array
Byte[] modelDef;
//Work on pre-published Model
//... if it's not already there. See CreateDataSource.cs for more inforamtion
//Get definition of model, save in byte array
modelDef = rs.GetModelDefinition("/Models/Adventure Works");
//Publish Model
rs.CreateModel("CopyOfAdventureWorksModel", "/Models", modelDef, null);
catch (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException ex)
I will get back to you at the earliest, coz I need to give this code to my client!!!
Will reply to you after he gets back to me!!
Friday, February 24, 2012
is there any IsString() function in
i want to check that only string in textbox. the textbox shoould enterd the strings so is there IsString() function in
plz help me....
first of all your subject does say nothing about your problem, so many people won't read it..
secondly try to use the forum search, your problem has been discusses many times..
for example: